URGENT! California OHV Program In Jeopardy - Urge Governor To Veto Transfer
Dear BRC Action Alert Subscriber,
As you know from our previous alerts and updates, the “transfer” (theft) of up to $31 million dollars of your OHV registration fees will have a devastating impact on destination recreation areas that are mostly in rural areas already hit hard by the current fiscal crisis.
There is one last chance to save these programs. The Governor has the ability to veto this proposed transfer from the OHV Trust Fund out of the final budget.
California's OHV community has the numbers to make this happen. Think about it, if every single OHV user in California contacted his office today, millions would call.
Tell your friends, family and any other OHV person you know to contact Governor Brown and urge him to line-item veto any budget proposals that would undermine California State Park’s Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Program.
Since there is the chance that emails may be deleted… calls and faxes are best (talking points are below.) Phone: (916) 445-2841 Be brief and polite. (The staff who answer the phone are not the people taking your money.)
If you want to send a fax, click HERE and select the California OHV link under Letter Campaigns.
Don Amador
BRC Western Representative
BlueRibbon Coalition
Dear Governor Brown,
I am strongly urging you to line-item veto the portion of the budget that would transfer up to $31 million dollars from the OHV Trust Fund’s local assistance grant program. The proposed transfer of funds would have a devastating impact on destination public land recreation facilities. Recreation staff would be laid off, trails would not be maintained, important resource restoration projects would be tabled, and rural law enforcement officers would be fired.
The BlueRibbon Coalition is a
national recreation group that champions responsible recreation, and encourages
individual environmental stewardship. With members in all 50 states, BRC is
focused on building enthusiast involvement with organizational efforts through
membership, outreach, education, and collaboration among recreationists.
1-800-BlueRib - www.sharetrails.org
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