By Del Albright
Being outdoors enjoying whatever it is you do, is one of the treasures we have in this country. It matters not what you do (outside), as long as you do it and respect others who might do something else. We all should embrace our freedom of choice.
I enjoy hunting. I also enjoy photography and music. And hey, give me a fishing pole and I'm ready to rock. It really is not important what you do outside that you love; it's that you DO it, and you respect the right of others to choose. Heck, many of us and those before us have fought for that very right --- that freedom. Hold it tight and let no one take it from us.
We should drag our kids outside for the same sports and outdoor activities that you enjoy...or that they might enjoy. Please don't overly contribute to this generation of thumb-living-video-gamers. Get them outside when you can. Yes, I know; some of this video game world is just inevitable. But when the opportunity is there; take a kid outside.

Be sure to keep up your memberships in your favorite organizations that are fighting for your access and your freedoms. I suggest you start with the outfit that represents all trails; all sports -- BlueRibbon Coalition.
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