By Del Albright
Whether you run your own meetings or use a facilitator, you still have the same objectives for most meetings. In a meeting of volunteers, to facilitate or act as a facilitator means several things:
1. To improve the efficiency of the meeting.
2. To get a desired outcome in the shortest period of time.
3. To eliminate group stress in getting through the agenda.
4. To keep the group on track and on time.
5. To stay out of the content and focus on the process.
6. To be a conduit of information flow so the group loses no ideas.
7. To possess the skills to help the group see through obstacles; and
8. To keep the group focused on issues (not personalities).
A good facilitation focuses on:
Outcomes: delivering what is expected from the group.
Process: and stays out of content.
Logistics: making sure the facilities allow for the delivery outcomes and comfort of attendees.
Agenda: keeping the group on track, avoiding rabbit chasing.
Intro's and Warm Up: allowing the group time to know each other.
In Charge: staying in control of the meeting.
Timely: opening and closing on time!
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