Yerington, NV land bill for copper mine has Senator Harry Reid asking for more Wilderness, again...this time for land between Smith Valley and Bridgeport, CA -- which sounds like the Sweetwater Mountains to me.
This just broke today, so we don't have all the facts nor have we seen a map. Please chime in if you have more info.
Reno Gazette Journal ran this story of Harry Reid being on record aggressively trying to negotiate
for more wilderness designation set aside in the area ".between Smith
Valley and Bridgeport".
It has to do with the land bill and copper mine near
Yerington, NV.
Here is the story in the Reno Gazette: here.
Might want to weigh in with Senator Heller and Congressman Amodei on this...
Senator Dean Heller: http://heller.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/contact-form
Congressman Amodei: http://amodei.house.gov/contact/
Let me know if we need to do something on a larger scale.
Thanks, Del
Let me know what actions we need to take from our end. Del